Thursday, February 25, 2010
Not Fair – Part 2
Have you ever thought about the fact that you expend energy all the time but only eat every now and then? In between eating, your body has to use energy previously stored so that it can continue to power the chemical reactions that we call life. Your body has two different types of energy storage systems. One is fast acting and readily available. The other is harder to access but can store much more energy. Think of it as the difference between the food you have at home in the frig or pantry and the food that is available at the grocery store.
The primary quick response storage unit consists of glycogen which is stored in the muscle cells and in the liver. Liver glycogen is mostly reserved for the brain. In most people glycogen can provide somewhere around 2,000 calories of energy or about one day’s worth. This also happens to be about the number of calories that it takes to run 20 miles which is why many runners hit the “wall” at that point in a marathon.
The body’s long-term energy storage is fat. There are 3500 calories available per pound of fat. Suppose you have 20 pounds of fat. That amounts to 70,000 calories of energy, a 35 day supply. That pretty amazing and complex system allows us to survive in conditions where food may not be available for extended periods of time, not usually a problem for us but a problem in past societies and in some places today.
Losing weight then is a simple matter of eating less energy than you expend. If you do that, your body will use the stored fat for energy. If your expenditure of calories exceeds your intake by 500 calories per day, then in a week you will lose a pound.
You are not a perpetual motion machine. Your energy has to come from fat or food. You decide.
Keep Running!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Not Fair – Part 1
In many societies it was difficult to get enough calories to sustain life and people still starve to death in some countries today. The body’s chemistry was designed to deal with ongoing food shortages and periods of outright starvation. This combined with active work requirements meant that obesity was not a problem.
Today most of us are sedentary and have at our disposal copious amounts of food. Our challenge is not to find food but to avoid it and to burn excess calories through exercise. The entire human energy equation is now upside down. We need to waste energy because we cannot bring ourselves to eat less.
A rule of thumb is that it takes 12 to 13 calories per pound of body weight to sustain that body weight in a sedentary individual. So if you want to weigh 150 pounds you need to eat 1800 calories. (12 x 150 = 1800) A typical fast food meal provides over half your daily caloric needs.
Eating an extra 120 calories a day increases your weight by 10 pounds. That also doesn’t seem fair. 120 calories is nothing. A small chocolate bar or some mayonnaise is 120 calories. How about a single beer or a Coke? Just an extra 120 calories per day and you are 10 pounds heavier.
I have fought the battle of the bulge most of my adult life and for the most part lost, the battle not the bulge. I have, however, gained some understanding of nutritional science and will share that with you over the next few posts.
Keep Running!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Train Yourself – Part 3
Now, how do you apply this to yourself? The first step is somewhat easy: Ignore failures. The trick here is to set progressively harder goals that you are pretty certain to reach. If you set out to run ten miles the first day of training, you will probably fail. Good training programs build in progressively harder workouts so that the participant gets a sense of achievement and feels good about the progress being made. If you are training on your own, you still need to apply this technique. Accept that there will be good days and bad days. Willie Nelson has a song that coached, “Remember the good times they're smaller in number and easier to recall/Don't spend too much time on the bad times/They're staggering in number and will be heavy as lead on your mind.”
The second step is to get positive feedback on your activity. Again, a good running program should provide that. The coaches and other participants should encourage you to come to the group runs so that eventually you feel good about running even when they are not present. You may also throw yourself a “treat” when you do well. A lot of people look forward to a group breakfast after a long Saturday run. You could buy a new running outfit or go to an out of town race. I always wear my medals for a few days to let others know what I have accomplished. You need to find what works for you.
The bottom line is that you cannot be a successful runner if every run is a test of your will power. You must enjoy the training or you will fail. Yes, sometimes you have to force yourself out the door but most of the time it should be something you look forward to doing. Follow the above two techniques and running will become a natural part of your life so that not running will seem strange.
Keep Running!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I love the Olympics. Although I sometimes complain about the TV coverage, this year I am really impressed with the way NBC is reporting the games: A lot of actual action and just enough background on the athletes to understand where they are coming from.
As a competitive runner, I feel an empathy with the participants that I suspect most couch potatoes don’t. It is clear that no one gets to this level of competition without a lot of hard training and sacrifice. Sure I don’t have the talent that they have, but I know what it feels like to get out and run in the hot weather and in the cold weather. To train when you would rather stay in bed.
Runners know about the jitters that come in the week before a big race. What the night before feels like. The excitement of putting on your running gear and pinning on your bib. The concentration required during competition to start slowly and then press to the finish line. The emotions that surge after the race is over. The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.
I was touched by what Alexandre Bilodeau, Canadian gold medal winner in the moguls, had to say about training. His older brother Frederic was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and told he would lose his ability to walk by age 10. Frederic did not accept that prognosis and through hard work continues to walk at age 28. Alex said, “How could I ever skip a work out given what my brother has to do just to walk?”
Keep Running!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Train Yourself - Part 2
Amy’s insight was that we could apply the techniques used to train animals to the training of humans. Humans are animals, so Amy’s suggestion should not be particularly surprising but it is. We want to explain, teach, argue, and nag people into behaving the way we want them to. Those techniques do not work.
Amy had this to say:
“The central lesson I learned from exotic animal trainers is that I should reward behavior I like and ignore behavior I don't. After all, you don't get a sea lion to balance a ball on the end of its nose by nagging. The same goes for the American husband."It is truly amazing how well this technique works. It can be used on friends, family and business associates. I have used it in many situations and it was so easy that I felt like I was cheating the system. In almost no time people were doing what I wanted without my explicitly telling them what to do.
"Back in Maine, I began thanking Scott if he threw one dirty shirt into the hamper. If he threw in two, I'd kiss him. Meanwhile, I would step over any soiled clothes on the floor without one sharp word, though I did sometimes kick them under the bed. But as he basked in my appreciation, the piles became smaller."
"I was using what trainers call "approximations," rewarding the small steps toward learning a whole new behavior. You can't expect a baboon to learn to flip on command in one session, just as you can't expect an American husband to begin regularly picking up his dirty socks by praising him once for picking up a single sock. With the baboon you first reward a hop, then a bigger hop, then an even bigger hop. With Scott the husband, I began to praise every small act every time: if he drove just a mile an hour slower, tossed one pair of shorts into the hamper, or was on time for anything.”
The bottom line is, “Reward desired behavior; ignore undesirable behavior.” Next week I will discuss what Shamu can teach us about running.
Keep Running!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Cold Turkey
Must be had at all costs
Take chances
Risk everything
Controls waking moments
No sleep
Kicking it hurts
Deep down
Not mentally
Not conceptually
At a cellular level
Muscles and joints scream
Pain will end
But not the want
Still want it
Oh but no
Remember, remember
Just a little
One last time
Keep Running!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Train Yourself - Part 1
Because you are an animal you can be “trained” to do things that you might not think possible. Most of you have probably tried to train a dog or some other pet to do tricks. We can apply the same concepts used to train other animals to train ourselves.
Pavlov is widely credited with doing the first research on conditioned responses. Perhaps somewhat apocryphal, the story was that he rang a bell each time he feed his dogs. After a while, the dogs would begin to salivate when the bell was rung whether or not they were given food. Pavlov was training the mind not the saliva glands by establishing a feeding ritual that the mind then responded to.
You can use rituals to train humans to behave in certain ways. When my kids were young we had a well established bedtime ritual which began about 5:00 in the afternoon and ended with them in bed at 7:00. I am sure that, if asked, they would rather have stayed up, but the food, the bath, the pajamas, the reading of a story and then going to bed seemed natural to them.
You want to run. You know intellectually that you need to get out there. You may have a schedule leading up to your next race. I hear people all the time saying, “I need to run.” You can, of course, force yourself to run, but it is much easier to train yourself to get out there.
I will over the next few posts discuss how you can train yourself to do your workouts. I am not talking about the training effects that come from the workout itself but about how you can change your behavior so that running is the most natural thing you do.
Keep Running!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Big run, big room.
Twenty-six point two miles.
Sixty-foot ceilings, thousands of square yards.
Both dwarf the individual.
We start here and end here:
The George R. Brown Convention Center.
Ten thousand people crammed in at 7:00 a.m.
Outward excitement, fear in their eyes.
When I get back, it is nearly empty.
Some have finished and gone home.
Some dropped out and are grieving.
Some still on the course determining their fate.
I wander into that cavern feeling very small,
Exhausted by the race.
Vowing never again,
I encounter the runners I had coached.
We chat briefly.
I head toward the world,
Consciously ending the season with those steps.
They are the hardest of the day.