Wednesday, March 31, 2010

“The Enormous Radio”

I don’t usually like to quote from someone else’s writing but this rang a bell with me. In the April 8, 2010 issue of The New York Review of Books, Edmond White reviewed several books pertaining to John Cheever, a noted short story writer and novelist. White had this to say:

“One of his (Cheever’s) first successful stories, “The Enormous Radio,” is about a young wife in New York who listens to a new radio all day that strangely enough, is tuned in not to broadcasts but to the conversations going on in the adjoining apartments. When her husband comes home one day she’s a wreck. She sobs:

‘They’re all worried about money. Mrs. Hutchinson’s mother is dying of cancer in Florida and they don’t have enough money to send her to the Mayo Clinic. At least, Mr. Hutchinson says they don’t have enough money. And some woman in this building is having an affair with the handyman – with the hideous handyman. It’s too disgusting. And Mrs. Melville has heart trouble and Mr. Hendricks is going to lose his job in April and Mrs. Hendricks is horrid about the whole thing and that girl who plays the “Missouri Waltz” is a whore, a common whore, and the elevator man has tuberculosis and Mr. Osborn has been beating Mrs. Osborn.’

White concludes, “The consoling husband has the radio removed – other people’s stories may be gripping but they can also have such a sad cumulative effect that they make one’s own life impossible to live.”

Cheever, who died in 1982, had no way of knowing that he had perfectly described our current predicament: Between cable news, the Drudge Report, emails and FaceBook we are immersed in the misery of mankind on a constant basis. Running is my only escape, and so I run.

Keep Running!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Not Fair – Part 6

This will be the last of my series on weight control. We understand now that instinctually we crave certain foods that have high calorie content. We also understand that in our abundant society it is too easy to eat more calories than we burn and thus gain weight. Which will control: animal instinct or rational mind?

To answer this question I want to turn to F. A. Hayek. He has been called the preeminent social philosopher of our time. He is best known as a libertarian political philosopher. Hayek says that our instincts developed long ago before civilization of any kind existed, back when we were still hunters and gatherers. These instincts served our distant ancestors well for the world they lived in but are not very useful for us now.

Reason or conscious thought, according to Hayek is of little use in the face of these instincts. Even though we can rationally say what proper behavior is, that knowledge by itself cannot overcome our instincts. He proposes that mankind has developed cultural institutions which stand between our instincts and rational thought. These societal rules guide our behavior in ways that we are not consciously aware of and override our instinctual appetites.

The Ten Commandments, whether handed down by God to Moses or not, are simply good rules for people that live in a civilized society. Even though lying, stealing, coveting, murder and adultery may have been beneficial in the bush (studies of chimps have observed all of these), there are not beneficial in the village or city.

There are, of course, many food taboos. Some traditions do not allow one to eat cats, dogs, horses, pigs or cows. China, for instance, is currently debating whether it should outlaw the eating of cats and dogs. Whether you are Jewish or not, you are probably familiar with some kosher food rules which are quite extensive. Many people today find eating any meat a taboo.

If Hayek is correct, and I believe he is, we cannot rely on our intellectual understanding of nutrition to keep us from eating too much given our current circumstances. Moses did not have the need for these commandments: Thou shall not overeat and Thou shall exercise every day. He had to tell people to rest one day a week and the Psalm 23 prays for God to set a table before us and for our cups to runneth over.

What are your food traditions? In my family if you don’t pig out at a holiday it just isn’t a holiday. Meat must be served at every meal. Wine must accompany dinner and some lunches. Bread is to be eaten before dinner, at dinner and at any other time day.

I am working on trying to change the cultural pattern that I have learned from birth. I have a taboo on eating in fast food restaurants and am working on a taboo against eating out at all. I met a woman who says the smell of Mexican food makes her sick. I wish I could get there. I would like to re-demonize alcohol and I could become a vegetarian. I am sure if I did these things I would lose weight.

Now you are probably thinking that those kinds of taboos will take all the fun out of life. That is exactly Hayek’s point: cultural traditions prevent us from satisfying our animal desires. He doesn’t voice an opinion as to whether these traditions are inherently good or bad but simply asks if they are functional or not: Will a society have a better chance of flourishing with these rules? Spend some time with grade school children if you don’t believe that we have a problem with our dietary rules in this country. Obesity is a more immediate challenge to our civilization than global warming or Iran.

The bottom line is you must develop some food and exercise traditions that will help you manage your weight. You can’t rely on just understanding your body’s chemistry. Over time, if you work at it, the new traditions will become strong enough to override your instinctual urges.

Keep Running!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Not Fair – Part 4

The weight loss math is easy. I have covered that in the previous three blogs. Basically you have to eat fewer calories than you burn. If you do that you will lose weight. You may know someone that eats like a pig and is skinny as a rail. They are not very nutritionally efficient. I don’t know how their genes survived periods of famine. You, however, are very nutritionally efficient. You turn everything you eat into useful energy. Lucky you!

While we are all subject to the same laws of physics, those laws are expressed differently in each of us. As a result what works for me may not work for you. That goes for running, weight control and just about everything else in life. It is good to listen to what others have to say, but it is better to listen to your own body. Ask yourself, “Under what conditions have I been able to lose weight and under what conditions do I tend to gain weight?”

For me the answer to that question is simple. I have lost weight and maintained the weight loss three times in my post-college life. Each time I eliminated alcoholic drinks and walked a few extra miles a day. Everything else was the same. The elimination of alcohol was worth about 250 calories a day and the walking was worth 250 calories a day. Magically fifteen to twenty pounds were shed over a few weeks.

I can’t tell you what will work for you and neither can anyone else. But my experience suggests that there are a couple of easy shots that you can take that will be relatively painless and can have big results. If you are a super competitive athlete, you might need a scalpel to trim the calories. Most of us just need an axe to chop off a few branches.

Think about two things: 1. When have you been most successful at losing weight and what were those circumstances? 2. Where can you easily eliminate a few hundred calories a day either through exercise or reduced ingestion? Then experiment, experiment, experiment.

Keep Running!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Not Fair - Part 3

To summarize my previous two blogs, we know as a matter of chemistry and physics the following:

1. You gain weight by eating more calories than you burn, and vice versa.

2. The body stores energy in two places, one quick access (glycogen) and one slow access (fat).

3. You need about 12 calories per day to support a pound of body weight with no exercise.

4. A pound of fat has 3500 calories of energy in it.

From a strictly chemical standpoint, maintaining a certain desired weight is just a matter of mathematics:

1. Figure out your base calorie expenditure at your desired weight (12 x desired body weight). Add to that your exercise calorie burn. Eat that many calories.

2. Try to match calorie ingestion to calorie expenditure throughout the day. Do this by eating small meals six times per day and eating before, during and after exercise.

3. Do slow cardio work outs such as walking to burn fat.

4. Do strength training to build muscle mass which increases your calorie burn even when you are at rest.

But as we all know eating is much more than a matter of mathematics. Our bodies are hard coded to desire fats and sweets. A recent book, Supernormal Stimuli by Deidre Barrett, talks about how, even though we understand the concept of weight management from a intellectual standpoint, our bodies still make us eat more than we need. We see examples of how behavior is controlled by more than just the rational conscious part of the brain. Think politicians’ peccadilloes here.

This brings us back to the blog series, “Train Yourself.” We can’t get there through intellectualizing and will power. Our native instincts are too strong. We must train ourselves to eat differently if we are going to lose weight.
